Monday, June 29

Mon, June 29th... A day on the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm... Fast Paced...

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Remove Formatting from selection My favorite place... the beaver pond

Spending the day here on the Cluckin’ “A” is a pleasure we understand!!! Bill, Loraine and Andrew, our family comes up every year to enjoy it with us for a short period of time. This year, they are coming to be at our side as we renew our wedding vows next Saturday. We were married previously and quickly, but no one was present as we exchanged vows, so we decided to have the ceremony performed in Tannersville by our good friend, Mayor Lee McGunnigle. After the ceremony is performed with Vick’s Mom and Dad, Brother, sister-in-law and two kids..... Our son Bill, Loraine and Grandson Andrew, we will celebrate and dine at the Villa Vosilla. Then it will be off to the farm to return to our daily celebration of living and loving together. Aside from the excitement of being here as we renew our vows... Bill and Loraine love to spend time relaxing and just “being” here. It’s quiet and allows them to rejuvenate from the rat race they are involved in where they live in Long Island. How nice it is for them to arrive, dump every care in the world from their minds for a few days and simply relax by shopping, fishing, watching TV or just taking an uninterrupted nap. Sharing meals is fun as we try different restaurants or just hang out at the grill and make burgers or whatever.
Anyway... that’s the plan for this coming weekend.

Yesterday, we RELAXED... NO WORK... all fun except for a lousy rotten meal at a waterfront spot that I’ll never recommend to any of my friends! We went to Agway to get some feed for the bunnies, but they had closed a little early, so we started home. We came upon a barn full of antiques and collectibles that we decided to check out, so we stopped. After browsing through some very nice items, we briefly talked to the owner, whose name is Linda. Vicki bought a very nice little watercolor picture of a sand dune, the ocean and a pair of soaring gulls. That struck up a discussion of how beautiful the picture was and the fact that Vicki was an aspiring artist and Linda always wanted to learn to paint. My part in the conversation was to correct Vicki and change “aspiring” to “accomplished” and encourage Linda to pursue painting as I had encouraged Vick at one time (and still do) as it ends up...... a new friendship was struck and forged between Vicki and Linda and the invitation to come to the farm and paint with Vick was given. We returned home and Vicki immediately gathered up some watercolors, a brush and five or so sheets of watercolor paper and we returned to the antique shop where Vick presented her with the things she would lend Linda to start practicing. This is how Vick and I meet and make so many friends.....because we are so much alike when it comes to meeting and becoming friends with everyone around us. We talk freely to everyone.

After leaving Linda’s antique shop, we went to the lousy restaurant called the Dockside in Athens for dinner. YUCK!!! We both had the shrimp and scallop basket with French fries and a calamari appetizer, with a coke. It was so bad, we only ate a small portion each and I called the waiter over, telling him that there was a very offensive and pungent after taste and we couldn’t eat the meal. They removed the entrée from the bill and we left for home, paying $30.00 of the original $52.00 tab, which included leaving the waiter a $10.00 tip (the lousy meal wasn’t his fault) which we based on the original tab. We still paid a hefty $20.00 for the Calamari and cokes...but it was an experience that will never be repeated there again and I’ll surely ruin enough of their business by spreading negative advertising that they are truly welcome to the $20.00 they stole from us. Neither Vick nor my stomach has felt real settled since leaving there. The grease on everything was bitter and had an awful aftertaste, screaming indigestion is on the way!

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When we got home, we both grabbed a rod and went to the lawn chairs at the lake in our back yard. As you can see from the pictures, we did fairly decent. We always do a catch and release thing, so there is always fish there to catch. (OK Bill, did you see those Bass and that Crappie?)

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Vick's nice Bass

I caught his Daddy!!
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We snapped a few pictures of the bunnies and the Alpacas as they lounged in their stall near the open door.....and then there are the turkeys. Now coupled with the chickens.... you can see why we don’t have any flower beds in the yard anymore!

Here is Iggy, Luke and Bollero lounging around...

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The reason we have no flowers...
click to enlarge pictures
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