Saturday, July 18

Sat. July 18th... Went to The Farmers Market This Morning...Sold Out Again...

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We got up early this morning despite the threat of rain and readied everything for the Farmer’s Market and when we got there, our fiend Judy, the jam, jelly and soap lady was already there setting up. We again, sold out before noon, but like last week, stuck around for another half hour just to support the other vendors. We are making absolutely nothing at this, but connections and friends with our neighbors in the area. We will need to be well known when the market stops in the fall, so all of our current Farmers Market people should continue to buy our eggs, but directly from the farm when the market closes for the winter. That was our only purpose to sell there in the first place. We are meeting new friends and customers weekly and enjoying it.
Last week the local newspaper did a column on our egg business, the hospice gift shop and the Farmers Market and some of the other vendors. Below is a scanned copy of the article they did.

Click on the newspaper article to enlarge, then zoom to read.

Click on the newspaper articles to enlarge and then zoom to read.
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