Monday, August 3

Monday Eve, Aug 3rd... Back and Hanging in There.... The MRI went well...

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We were up early this morning to shower and get ready for the big MRI event at 10:00Am at GMA in Catskill. Made it on time and everything went well with that little venture..... It was a pretty tight squeeze in that little, vibrating rattletrap of a tube. I’m glad I’m not claustrophobic at all, because you are in there for a good half hour while they take picture after picture (I guess) Of course, we’ll now have to wait for the results to be sent to my doctor’s office in town, before I’ll know anything. That’s fine....sometimes I think I’m getting better daily anyway.

Just got back from having an after dinner dessert with our friend and renowned artist Stanley Maltzman. We like to spend as much time with Stan as we can, because he is a very special person. We have also learned a lot from him about art by spending time with him too. Joyce, his girl friend, was working this evening, so we went with Stan to keep him company and chat a bit.

I’ve been taking Celebrex ever since Marylou gave it to me last Friday and I think it might be reducing the inflammation in my back, which has been causing my torment with the sciatica of my right thigh. Perhaps since getting the MRI today and Marylou seeing that and the Celebrex, I might be able to get back to the hospice gift shop before too long. Boy I’d love to finish up all the work on it and we’ll be essentially completed. (I guess we were going to build a little turkey house on the end of the Bunny Brothel, but that’s a cinch.)

I’m sending the application for my “ten block” of ISBN#’s from I have also purchased a UPC code for the poetry book I’m publishing first. This is quite an adventure for me to be publishing my own books through my publishing house “Skip Watt Publishing” which is marketed at and can be seen there. The book is not yet completed, so is not yet available, but Vick and I are psyched!! How ultimately COOL!
Once my first book entitled “Poetry From the Heart - Unpretentious Notions of a Minimalistic Man” hits the book shelves, I will then begin publishing book# 2 which is a biography about Vicki and I and how the evolution of the farm. It is entitled, “It All Began With a Puppy... Our Uncommon Journey”. Once this book is completed and out, I’ll publish the biography I’m now writing, about me as a twelve year old, growing up in a tiny village on the edge of the Scotia Barrens, an old, deserted iron mine in Central Pennsylvania during the early sixties. Its title will be, “Life In the Barren World”, which is a pleasure for me to write...and Vick loves to proof read it. I think it will be a real hit with readers as it takes them back in time to their childhood too.

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