Sunday, August 23

Sunday August 23rd... Summer’s fizzling thoughts turn to Oktoberfest...

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Hard to believe when I went out to leave the animals out awhile ago, that fall will be here shortly. There is a stifling, choking, heat and humidity out there that certainly doesn't lead one to even think about fall being so close. I look around me as I do different things or go different places and I am starting to see fall’s calling card in more and more places. The large sugar maple at the Hilltown Agway in Dormansville is starting to turn amber and red. A tree out beyond the Pupskill is slightly turning colors and this morning, I stood at the barn door entryway and watched the walnut tree beside the barn, while it was raining. That tree was slowly shedding leaves in the gently shower of rain. I noticed last evening when I was on the rear deck cooking the sweet corn, that the berry bush on the other side of the fence, was dropping leaves onto the deck and three burner stove we keep in that corner. This is truly the beginning of the end for summer. All too soon the chill of winter will hurry the fall season past us in the blink of an eye.
I suppose that September through October and into the beginning of November will last just as long as the summer months did, but why do the four months before April seem to last ten months?
Last winter, I enjoyed the scenery, the snow and the coziness of the house. We did what we liked as the snow and wind swirled and blew.....Vicki creating art work and I my books and websites, yet the four months still seemed like ten. None of the other months do that...spring rushes into summer, which rushes to fall and on to winter again, then just as years before... everything moves at a snail’s pace to the next spring. I have never understood why it is so, but fortunately, we can find enough beauty and things to do to fill the time until spring does arrive, and then we are ready for the usual down hill, high speed rollercoaster ride again.....over, before it really begins.

I think we should look into the Quadra centennial dealing with the discovery of the Hudson River by Henry Hudson in 1609. They have many celebrations and programs planned throughout the year and we haven’t check out any of them. We should check to see where the remainder of them is and go to a few. I would kind of like to see the Half Moon, Henry Hudson’s ship, if it is on display somewhere. That would really be interesting and knowing that you can ride it....actually excites me, even though it is a replica. At least I would have an understanding what it was like some four hundred years ago, to be cooped up on such a large...but small vessel. AH yes..............wishes and dreams... of silly things.

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