Sunday, September 27

Sunday Eve, Sept 27th... Rapidly Approaching the End of This Month Too...

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Wow!! It seems like only yesterday that we were making plans to start the foundation of the hospice gift shop, take the vinyl off the outside runs on the barns and make our summer plans.
Gone... just plain gone! Three more days and we'll be into October, and just as I've been complaining about since spring, the months are whizzing by like days. Now, the years are flipping by like months...rapidly flipping by and will continue to go faster as we continue to get older.

We went to Agway today to pick up layer pellets and cracked corn, but we want to find a farmer somewhere that still sells field corn on a cob so we can buy a dump truck load if possible and then shell it ourselves, bag it and store it for winter. Next summer, we want to put a fence up around the yard by fort Apache and sow field corn, let it grow and mature, die and harvest it ourselves. We'll then run it through our corn sheller and bag it. That should help when we can do that year after year once the fence is paid for.

After we returned from Agway with our feed, we ate lunch and then ventured into the barn, built an angle roost, some overhead roosts and removed the rest of the wall between the room and the run. Now all we need to do is reinstall the board and batten to the outside and close it up except for small windows so we can put the vinyl over the window holes for winter and we're done. The chickens love their new room, because it is so big and roomy and there are so many roosts.

We took the following pictures of the chicken coop renovation and a few of the new bunny brothel. The barn is so orderly and comfy now. I think Vick even snapped some pictures of the old barns and the new Guinea Fowl we recently acquired.

Pictures of the coop renovations

From Outside, looking in....

The nesting area......

Calli, one of our barn cats...

Kaylee, the other barn cat...

A dumb bunny holding a fluffy one...

The fluffy one with out the dummy...

A love bunny holding a loving bunny...

The loving bunny alone...

Here are the dozen Guinea Fowl we received yesterday. There are more coming this weekend...

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