Thursday, December 17

Thurs. Dec. 17th... Run, Run, Run...Can't Catch Up... Gotta Go Again... Be Back Soon...

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Still have more to go, but wanted to say we'll be back soon to post an entry properly.
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Well...................we've finally returned home again! We went to Cairo, dropped off some prescriptions for meds and killed an hour while they filled them. When we returned, we found the most important pill wasn't one they had in stock. The girl did have a lower dosage, so she gave Vick those to get by until five o'clock tomorrow evening when we will be able to go down and pick up the higher dosage. Now how nice was that? If we'd have gone to the Rite-Aid in Greenville, they would have said, "Sorry, you're outta luck until tomorrow". If you would tell them you could die without this medication, they wouldn't give you a lesser dosage to double up on for a day, until they got the right dosage, they would tell you to have a nice trip when you die. I never saw a store that has had so many formal complaints about the pharmacy and nothing is ever done. I know....I wrote to corporate and complained, was called by phone to talk to a manager about it and nothing was ever accomplished. Nothing!!! In response to that, we transferred all current prescriptions and have NEVER gone back there....and never will..... I also bad mouth them every chance I get, to ruin business for them, or save someone else the heartaches they inflict at the most inopportune times, when you really need the medication and they pull their crap.

We have all the animals tucked away for the cold, windy, brutal night. There are heated water buckets, bowls and bottles everywhere so all animals have water to drink, no matter how cold it gets. Every bunny has a heated bottle, hay and feed to be warm and comfy. The cats have canned food, dry food and a heated water bowl, with tons of warm soft hay to cuddle up in. The ducks are ducks! Hell, they set in ice cold water all day long like idiots when there are nice warm wood chips in their barn to sit on. Go figure!

Tomorrow, we will finish up everything around here that needs done, so we can take off for Pennsylvania at 4:00 AM on Saturday morning to see my Dad and stepmother for the first time. Rose is a very nice lady and I'm going to be happy to meet her because she has given my Dad a new outlook on life. He was a hermit of sorts after my Mom died in 2001, until he almost died from a bout with pneumonia in the fall of 2007 and ended up in the extended care facility in Huntingdon. He was fine with being in the home, but once he and Rose met and got together, and later married, his life took on new meaning and he has never really been happier. I'm glad and can't wait to meet the woman that gave him back his happiness. I know how he feels, because Vicki has done the very same thing for me after my sour divorce! Actually, I am probably one of the most blessed people in the world since meeting Vicki. I know she was an angel sent by God, because we are connected in a special way I cannot explain. She is actually a part of me and I miss her if we are apart for anything. We both know what each other are thinking and feeling at any given moment of any day, and we haven't been apart for an hour since we got together. Where ever we go, we go together......whatever we feel, we feel together. Whatever we do not have becomes a blessing, for we soon see that our greatest blessings are the things we do no have...for they are not needed and usually cause problems we do not want anyway.

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