Monday, February 15

Mon Feb 15th... Happy Valentines Day... Yesterday...Vick Said She Would Be Mine Forever....

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What a day we had yesterday. In fact I started this post last evening, but had to abandon it for this morning, due to being so tired and drained, that I couldn't function any longer. It started off with leaving the chickens out in both barns, chopping a hole in the ice on the little duck pond, like a good Ducky my little duckies could swim and slop in the sub freezing water. How their little feet don't just freeze and break off is a miracle, but they are in that water, ducking and bobbing their heads under, slurping water and quacking frantically as soon as the hole is opened up. I then worked in the barn for awhile, until Vick called for breakfast. After that, we did a few things needing completed before our company arrived. Joan and her husband Harvey, which are good friends of ours, came to spend the day visiting. I had the Daytona 500 on for Harvey, knowing he loves to watch races, so he settled right in. He is recuperating from a bout with cancer and needed a day out, away from the regular four walls he always sees. We set up the plywood ramp and wheeled him into the living room, where he jumped into the Smarter Image therapy chair which is great support for a sore back. He was very content to watch the race and chat. Since Vick and Joan don't care for racing that much, they went to the barn to bring "Andria" the giant German Angora in for a clipping. That took most of the afternoon and since the bunny was out of her cage, I went to the barn and removed a second layer of mesh screen we had put on the floor of the cage, because the poop wasn't going through the screen and was caking to the bunny's underside, ruining her fleece. When they were done with "Andria", they took her back to her cage and brought "Bunny Girl" into the house to fuss over. She is the white Giant Walsh Angora. We had pizza for dinner and then Joan and Harvey had to head home, because they were about to place his last oxygen bottle on his canula line and it would take almost the entire bottle to get him home. They live beyond Middleburg, near Cobleskill, which is probably close to an hour's ride.
After they left, we returned "Bunny Girl" to the barn and as Vick was watering and feeding, I loaded two bales of wood chips onto the car's luggage rack and three bags of layer pellets into the car. When we were done in the barn for the evening, we took the cargo to the duck and chicken barn where I unloaded the pellets into cans; while Vick again fed and watered.... we then unloaded the wood chips to the rear shed to be spread today. Now...this morning after posting this and some pictures for you to see, we will begin with cleaning the duck and chicken house, spreading new clean wood chips and what ever else we must do

Meet Andria (the female version of Andre the Giant) Now that's a sink full of bunny

Andria meets the other girls...

Meet BG (short for Bunny Girl) the Giant Walsh Angora.

BG is very inquisitive... and lively.

BG meets Callie and Snavely Mill...

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©Cluckin A Critter Farm

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