Monday, May 3

Monday, May 03, 2010... Well, Well, Well... Rain and More Rain is Called For...

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We'll just roll with the flow. That's all we can do, so that's what we WILL do. We didn't bother going to the auction yesterday after dropping 61 dozen eggs off and registering them. It was hot, humid and miserable...on top of the fact that they placed the eggs in four lots of 16, 16, 16 and 13 dozen to a lot. Then informed me that they would probably sell them by the lot......all at once for one money? Shit... I wasn't gonna sit there and sweat, lose money and smell stinky farmers to boot!
I hope what they did, was announce that they were refrigerated, fresh, free range eggs from the Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC and high bidder, takes one or all, their choice.... Then we would have something. Once the bidder got theirs they would then ask if anyone else wanted some for that price and if not, auctioned them again, until they were all gone. The guy that said they would sell them by the lot, all for one money, had his hat on backward, had long filthy hair and smelled bad already! The auction hall was filling up with week-enders from the city, from all nationalities and you could hardly hear yourself think due to their loud chattering as they strolled around peeking into boxes. It looked like a logging station for Ellis Island in the fifties! We finished up there and headed home, knowing they would send us a check for the egg sales this coming week. We went home, grabbed a bite to eat and headed for the saw mill, where we picked up out lumber for the gift shop porch ceiling and inside walls and ceiling. After bringing it home, we went to Story's nursery to pick out our replacement trees for the one that died from last fall. We got two beautiful flowering crabapple trees and a great little Birch tree with dark bark which will turn white with age. After that, we awaited the arrival of Isabelle to finish up the dying of the fibers they had begun on Saturday.
Vick and I could see the writing on the wall with the heat and humidity, so we went to the Wilson House, emptied it of feed bags and brought the upstairs air conditioner in on a cart, took it upstairs and installed it in the window.
Ahhhhhhh, a good night's sleep was assured at that point and it gave the unit plenty of time to cool the entire upstairs. When we had enough heat, we gave up and headed upstairs to vegetate......well I vegetated while Vick emailed and painted...
Today is a bit cooler with promise of thunder storms today and this evening.
018420© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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