Monday, February 28

Monday, February 28, 2011... How Easy It Would Be To Become A Murderer......

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Sometimes I see how very easy it would be to become a murderer.....
It started yesterday around 6:30Am, when I opened AOL news and went to the Internet to investigate some old antique medicine bottle I wanted to put up for auction on eBay. Something got past my Norton program and took over the computer, crashing it directly into oblivion. It took forever to do anything...then after a bit, I lost my connection to the internet, crashing my portion of the network, which Vick and I share. The Netgear router locked me out, by dumping my connection profile. After that...Norton crashed and it gave me an error message, saying that I could not clear and it dumped too. Nothing worked! I labored over this crap from 6:48 yesterday morning, until around 9:45 last evening, when I got my internet connection back and could call Norton by phone. I allowed them to connect to my computer and un-install the program and re-install it again with my subscription unchanged. I would have removed and replaced the program myself, but I was afraid I would lose the 766 days of remaining subscription, so I got them to do it. After they corrected that and got me back up and running in a protected state, I started working on segregating and checking the integrity of the rest of my files and scanning them with Norton. I believe we’re back to normal now..... (And holding my breath as I say this of course) but something could crop up again at any moment. Realizing my frustration late last evening....after all that's happened to will thus, understand how a person could become a wanton murderer. If I had the weasel that caused me this 15 hour catastrophe....I would have strangled him (or her) on the spot....squeezed the life directly out of their body and quit squeezing when their head popped off!
I cannot for the life of me, understand what these low life morons get out of doing this to people. It should be a ten year prison term if you are caught and convicted of messing with a person’s personal computer. I am now a day behind on my web design, taking care of and updating my eBay accounts, blogging (which I’m poor at anyway) and any other personal business and book writing I usually conduct.
To top it off, this morning as I was trying to get caught up with eBay and loading one of the culprit medicine bottles from yesterday......eBay decided to dump me in the middle of an upload of a half hour’s labor...doing pictures and text for an auction. YUCK.... they piss me off too. If it were just sitting there idle, I could understand, but right in the middle of me typing the final data in and POOF.... GONE.....all except for a little “the web page has timed out” message.
Please eBay, if you’re gonna do this to me, at least place a picture of you flipping me the bird after the message, thank you!
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Now then...... it’s raining. Raining on top of this lousy snow we have. Guess what is gonna happen now! FLOODING!!!!!! The temperature has risen to 34 and the snow height is dropping as you watch it. That means there is water running into or over the ground and into creeks......which will cause trouble downstream this afternoon when the temperature is even higher. One good thing this late date in the year (March is tomorrow.... and we’ll only be 21 days from spring!), the snow we have, or anymore we get, will not last long. Soon there will be plants popping up in guarded areas next to houses or any other masses that collect the suns heat, making the plants come alive.
I don’t know whether to leave the animals out today or not. They sometimes don’t mind the rain, but we fear they will get sick from being cold and wet.
I think we will go to get some bands for the chickens today. We decided that in the interest of maintaining a good poultry farm, we will have to cull the flock yearly to keep new layers, so we will band out new Rhode Island Reds and other layers we hatched last year and they will be our current laying flock this year. The un-banded birds will be sold off as “started layers” to those who come wanting to buy birds already laying eggs. The remainder will go to Dine’s for processing as meat birds and we will order new layer chicks to raise and will hatch new layers all summer long, both for ourselves and to sell. This is another evolutionary change in the farm, trying to keep it functioning in these harsh times. We are not making enough on the eggs to even pay for the feed, and we are striving to make it to a point where the chickens will at least pay for themselves. The fiber for the alpacas and sheep should pay for their keep this year without any problem.
Below are a few pictures of the snow we have. There is a “before” picture and then a few of the high snow piles after opening all the pathways again. I’ll be glad for the next 21 days to zoom by.

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Before last all day plowing session....
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The rest of the pictures are after 11 hours of plowing....
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037962Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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