Sunday, April 3

Sunday, April 3rd... Nursing A Cold With Too Much To Do...Yuck...I hate This......

Remove Formatting from selection Saturday morning when I got up, I was feeling yucky with allergies, sniffling and a frog in my throat. We went to East Berne anyway and picked up a massive load of timber for use in making our raised bed garden beside the house. After a little lunch, we returned to the sawmill to pick up our second big load of lumber, which will be used to make a run in shed for the new alpacas, so we can get them home. Once we got the lumber unloaded, I hung it up and hit the couch until bedtime. This morning, I didn’t feel any the better after a good night’s sleep. The hoarseness is definitely gone, but there is congestion in my chest I don’t want to discount as unimportant. I’ve had pneumonia two times before and I know what I have to do to side step its grasp and I most definitely do it! Usually one day lost is not as bad as fueling the flame and inviting disaster.....especially now that I am getting much older. Tomorrow is another day and tomorrow will come no matter what. I on the other hand, could miss it...if I do stupid stuff like a young kid and disregard my body’s warnings. If I pay attention and waste a day relaxing on the couch, tomorrow or the next day....most likely I’ll be back in the swing of things... How I’d love to get the heavy screws and washers and get out there and put the six raised beds together, making them ready for the topsoil. We are to pick up the post hole auger sometime in the beginning of the week, so I will also be able to sink the posts at the run in shed. Once they are in place, we can begin building the shed for the alpacas to occupy. So now, I just need to lounge and relax until the congestion and miserable coughing goes away... Back to the couch....... 038640 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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