Sunday, August 7

Sunday, August 07, 2011...The Rain Was Nice...But The Pond Is Still Low...

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I started to rain yesterday afternoon around 2:30 or so...and rained into the night sometime. Even with such a nice, slow, steady rain, the pond is still two feet low.
I fear that it will take a few days of continuous rain to satisfy the parched ground to the point where it will turn away offered water from a rain. Now, it seems the grass is screaming and fighting over every drop that falls....and I could almost hear a contented murmur coming from the side yard last evening, as if the grass was becoming contented with the rainfall. Ahhh, perhaps it was an Alpaca mooing contentedly, as they do when chewing their cud showing great pacification.
Anyway, today we move in two directions....One is to install solid fencing around the barn area, where we left off, terminating at the end of the pond field on the left side, then the same on the other side from the big barn pasture fence to the end of the pond field on the dam side.... That will make it almost impossible for a fox or coyote to enter the farm area occupied by the chickens and ducks except by the open water....Which we can watch with a rifle! There will no longer be a dash from the sticks, out into the yard to grab a bird and disappear back into the safety of the woods. It will also make the evening quite a bit more safe at dusk and after for us to be out there in the dark. At least we know big animals will be on the outside of the fencing or we’ll hear them coming over or through it, unlike now when they would simply walk up behind us from the woods! SURPRISE!!!!!
It will also keep the ducks and chickens from going out into the woods too...stupid birds!
After that side is completed, then and only then will we complete the west yard for the alpacas to graze around, but outside the garden fence. There is a large yard over there going clear out to Fort Apache, where we have boards stored, dirt and stone supply piles and our campers parked. We will continue to install wire fencing to isolate that yard and tie it to the other fenced side with the existing gate in between.
BUT FIRST....I have to make some bottle trees for sale at the plant sale next Sunday, the fourteenth... At Witt’s End Antiques on Newry Road, in Westerlo, NY.
So, I guess today, I’ll get my torch set up and get the welder out and make some smoke and sparks fly!

041695Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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