Tuesday, August 16

Tuesday, August 16th...Today Was A Barn Cleaning Day...

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We started out this morning going for chicken feed and wood chips to clean out the barns. I let the alpacas and sheep out to graze in the pasture, which is the first in over a week. The grass was so burnt and low, that we were afraid they would actually kill the grass and it would never come back, so we kept them out of the yard to allow the grass to recover...provided we would ever get some rain to help. Finally yesterday, it rained all day long and the grass sprang to life overnight. The alpacas and sheep browsed all day long happily. While they were out in the yard, I closed the pasture gate and opened the mid gate for the Suri’s to come into the main pasture and explore that, then into the barn stalls if they wanted to. They did not care to enter the barn, so I didn’t press the issue and after a brief period of time, I returned them to the front pasture and run-in shed, where they are extremely happy living. I guess coming from a farm with 150 alpacas to ours was a joy to them, since they are the only two in the front pasture and they get all the attention.
We went to work cleaning the barns after having a bite of lunch, and we stuck with it until almost dark, but got the long run, duck barn and back chicken barn cleaned. Then went to the brooding house, where we cleaned everything in there, caught all the young laying hens, separating them from the meat birds and taking them to the big barn, where we isolated them against the front wall behind a protective wire barrier for the night. We then cleaned the center of the big barn where the duck stay and the center of the bunny brothel where we keep the water and feed for the crippled ducks and Tina Turkey. Everything is nice and clean now and we can concentrate of bigger and better things tomorrow. Below are a few pictures we took of the birds we have at the bird feeder out front. We were eating lunch and decided to snap some pictures for you to see the birds we look at while we eat our meals.... There are also pictures of flowers and the alpacas and chickens enjoying the day. Vick also snapped a picture of her new loom for making alpaca fiber bracelets....

041921Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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