Sunday, October 23

Sunday, October 23, 2011... As Fall Marches On...Winter Brings Up The Rear...

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Every morning...more and more, the smells of fall diminish further and further from my nostrils. I used to smell Halloween in the air every morning I opened the sliding glass door, releasing the dogs for their morning run. Now I smell the void of summer... a dwindling smell of fall leaves and harvest smells...and an increasing smell of winter. Oh yes....Winter, that bland, lifeless void of fragrances, so prevalent on each and every cold winter morning...So devoid of everything, that you fear you’ve lost your sense of smell, for there is nothing present that you can distinguish. The harsh, bitter winds sting you nose as you pull in air, sampling it for the presence of anything you could identify, but there is usually nothing to detect riding on winter’s frigid breeze. How I hate yet love the winter. It is far more difficult to endure its harsh, unfriendly temperatures, the snow and ice, yet I hold a spot near and dear to my heart for the beauty of new fallen snow and Christmas Eve, with a blue cast light upon a newly acquired field of soft falling snow. There is nothing a Christian silently enjoys more than the special feeling a night such as that brings to mind. I immediately am transported back to a childhood time...awaiting family and friends to congregate around the table to celebrate the season of our Lord...How wonderful those memories are of my mother and father, enjoying our family and their parents. I remember upon their leaving that beautiful blue moon, casting its lovely rays upon the soft, fluffy snow and the bite of winter’s breath as it entered my nose and throat. Christmas carols could be heard from afar and neighbor kids laughing or just talking as they played on porches, waiting for bedtime...after which, Santa would arrive. I remember the plans being made for our Christmas Day dinner the next day and who would bring what....and at what time they would arrive. I remember all these things, for that is all we adults have, but to remember......for children grow up and the excitement is then revolving around their children...and when they are gone, so then is the Christmas spirit usually, except for those who choose to cuddle together and keep those memories alive. We choose to do just that....and will do so in the coming months as we decorate and round up music and movies to usher in the seasons as they arrive, thus...taking part in the perpetuation of those memories for yet another year. Vick and I have no children we summon the child-like being within ourselves and fuel them into existence again, just long enough to create and enjoy the holiday season like everyone else...together... Won’t you join us?

Yesterday was a day of stop and goes... We would stop and go throughout the day, for we went to get the cement for the generator pad, which I got poured and ready. We did what we could and visited when we could, ate when we could and planned for today. This morning, sometime before noon, we are to go for a buffet breakfast at a local resort, as guest of the town clerk. She wanted us to go as her guest to show her appreciation for all the times we volunteered to help with the rabies clinic which she headed annually. After that, we will return home and do whatever we decided to do, along with turning the animals loose to browse and enjoy the fall day. We have fence to build and a gate to hang, but may choose to do other things today and complete those tasks on Monday instead. Below is a quick snapshot of the pad, ready for the top coat and then curing before placing the generator on it and wiring it in.

043520Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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