Sunday, April 1

Sunday April 1, 2012... Vanity After The Fact...Chases The Dog Away......

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Funny how things in nature can blow your mind as you watch the dramas unfold and this is no April Fool’s day prank... Below you will find a series of picture’s ending with a cat sitting in a dog bed, looking at herself... longingly in a mirror. This in itself is funny, but what is hilarious...if you had seen these pictures developing, was that the huge yellow lab lying in the dog bed, was run off by the cat. The cat knows the dog does not particularly like her, so she goes out of her way to harass this dog by following her around, hiding under the edge of the bed and either fully ambushing the dog or possibly just taking a swipe at her from under the bed with her paw on the way by....Anyway, this cat obviously knows that Iris was never around a cat scared of it and will walk, or run the other way...whatever is warranted... just to get clear of the furry pain in the butt. The cat therefore pestered the dog by edging nearer and nearer to the dog bed and finally ended up lying in the bed with Iris. Once contact was made, Iris made her break for the other side of the room, where she stood watching the cat as it commandeered her dog bed for herself. After several minutes of rolling and stretching and becoming bored, as cats inevitably become...She sat up to admire herself in the full length mirror against our bedroom wall, between the closets. How funny this entire episode was to observe, step by step. Iris now tolerates the cats... while standing her ground, with ears perked erect, as they pass closely by. Sometimes she will bark at them and start to chase them, which is futile of course...for the cats are long gone before she gets her large frame into gear, giving chase. Within minutes, the cat is back to pester Iris, or any of the dogs within her reach. The cat never gives up...and the cat ALWAYS wins!

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Last night was our night out for dinner...more commonly known as crazy eating night. We are eating healthy 6½ days a week, with meals consisting of fish or skinless chicken, vegetables fruits and salads...with one evening...either Saturday or Sunday...where we can order anything on the menu, wherever we may decide to go. Last evening, we went to the Ambrosia Diner in Catskill. We love to eat there and always got a spectacular meal (except last evening) Vick’s meal was good...mine like shoe leather. Judy and Lynda, our friends were with us and Judy’s dinner was fine, but Lynda, having gotten the same meal I had, was disappointed with her tough piece of steak also. Boy... I wished afterward I would have gotten the ham steak which is always good and far less money. Live and learn! Stay away from red meat!!
I believe we’re very close to being in final print of the journal and poetry book of Margaret Sullivan Waldhelm’s book, “From These Country Roads – A Journal and Selected Poems”.
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I handed the second proof to her yesterday for her to go over it with a fine toothed comb, looking for errors or changes. It looked pretty good to me after requesting my printer make several minor changes to text and the cover of the last proof. Once approved by Margaret, the book will go into final print and will also immediately be available for Kindle or Nook owners. If you are unfamiliar with eBooks, owners of a Nook will go to Barnes and Noble on-line to purchase the eBook, while Kindle owners will go to Amazon to purchase theirs. You will be able to purchase the paperback copies from B&N, Amazon as soon as she gets them into their system, or directly from Margaret herself. You may email me and I will forward it to Margaret for you. Just make sure you have your complete name and contact information for her to reply.

046855 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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