Monday, June 4

Monday, June 4th...Recuperating After Shearing Day and Finishing the Fence...

We’re still reeling from the hard long weekend we put in getting ready for the shearing of the alpacas on Saturday. I afraid I’m approaching then end of my long run on these knees, ever worsening as I proceed from day to day. I need the Ibuprofen, Hydrocodone or wine to numb the pain which is now daily...all day long!
The order of the day usually calls for four Ibuprofen, but may also call for one or two Hydrocodone, before it takes affect and I can function somewhat efficiently. Saturday was a bad day, because I couldn’t do a whole lot, except move alpacas from stall to shearer and hand the just finished one to Dawna, who graciously walked them to the new west pasture. All went well with the shearing which started at Phil and Shelly’s farm with 24 animals around 7:30 and we moved here to start around 12:30. After setting up and eating pizza and Subway sandwiches, we again started shearing. They were done about 2:30 or so. They all left and we collapsed on the couch until it was time to return the boys to the barn and put all the other animals away for the night.
Yesterday was spent recuperating and doing small jobs around the house. Vick pressure washed the deck and I did little things all day. Below are a few pictures of the weekend events.
First Alpaca to get sheared.... Beautiful fiber coming off...

Ashley, (in pink) is our farm Intern, from SUNY Cobelskill.....

Cutting the fighting teeth in Rafiki....

Now a nice trim job on his lower teeth to match the top palate.

Ashley giving a Ivermectin shot before releasing  Rafiki...

Rafiki ready to go to pasture....

Ashley ready to pack fiber into the bag....

My honey surveying her kingdom....
The boys in new pasture, with shearing complete....
Max....In charge... ALWAYS............
Day is done....beautiful sunset through trees, over fence....
Last evening after dining at Hollowbrook Restaurant with Vick and Lynda, we returned home and I finished the flyer master for Farm Day. We got together with Lynda to create a Farm Day at Lynda’s farm which will take place every third Saturday from now until October. Below is the flyer.....
Today is acupuncture....which I hope will go better than the first two sessions...during which I had spasms causing me at least twenty minutes of agony as I lay there stuck full of eighty needles, while in full sciatic spasm! That is torturous to say the least and I’ll have Jordon checking on me every five minutes today. Wish me luck ya-all........

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048906 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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