Thursday, January 24

Boy O boy is it cold!
I got up this morning…and I believe it was colder than it was yesterday morning. I opened the sliding glass door for the dogs to go out, and as they reluctantly left, I tried to see the thermometer so I could find out what the temperature actually was outside. It was dark enough that I could not see the thermometer and I wasn’t about to linger to see something I didn’t want to continue experiencing just to find out. If you look at the first picture I posted, you will see that at 8:39 AM…it was 10° below zero! Can you imagine what the temperature was just before daybreak? It’s a known fact that the moment the sun rises, it is the coldest time of the entire night and I bet that it could have been 5 to 10° colder at that time. I’ve actually seen this phenomenon and although I can’t explain it, I’ve seen the temperature instantly drop for several minutes and then start to climb as the sun warms the air.
Anyway, yesterday afternoon before dark, Vick and I went to the Barns to prepare for what was to be the coldest night of the winter. We placed a heat lamp over each bunny cage, one over the alpacas and placed one in each section of the little barn. This will provide heat for all the animals even if at a minimum. Some of the areas like the chickens already had heat lamps, so all we did was cover the areas lacking any heat.
I’m posting 31 pictures for your enjoyment.

Stay warm!
Gladys hiding behind the tree....But still alive!
Meet Murray the duck....Beautiful boy with beautiful colors...
Murray lost his tail to a predator last summer...He's very careful!
Lucy, our German Angora.....
This is BB...or Bunny English Angora
This is BG...or Bunny Girl...
Pretty Boy is in sick bay...on antibiotics...
This is the Hollowbrook gang...We duck sit them every winter...
Meet Terrance the Terrible!
Terrance loves to flog something...ANYTHING!!!
Terrance is even more grumpy than me...Quite a feat!!
Even the Royal Palm Heritage girls don't want near him...
Heritage birds are lighter than meat turkeys...But better tasting
Terrance is a beautiful Heritage bird for sure...
These are the two females. They lay eggs that we sell...
They are rather pretty too.  But small...
Roosted up high...above the heat lamps...
Now this is one smart Chick...
Here you can spend the day in luxury...snug and warm...
So why would you roost out here in the open cold???
Closed for the season, even though we're still open!!!
A wreath on the upper barn door...
How pretty and different than when we started...
We own the right side as far as you can see....
This way...we own eveything on the left to the hill...
The Hospice Gift Shop from the road. We need a good sign!
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053271 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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