Saturday, March 9

The snow is melting already....

Saturday again and here we are in the hospice gift shop at noon, all cozy and warm. I’m listening to iTunes music on a playlist I made for the gift shop and I’m in a writing mood, so when I’m finished with the blog and have it posted, I’ll begin writing the next chapter of my book “Life in The Barrens World”, my latest book about my adolecent years of growing up in a little backwoods community in Central Pennsylvania.

It’s enjoyable to write it and it makes me laugh out loud when I look back on our innocent shinanigans of those years. I say innocent because we never planned or knew how a day would end. We simply went about the task of playing and growing in the sixties…but I shudder at times when I think of things we did and I am sometimes amazed that we were not killed or seriously injured by the things we did. I know why my Mom had grey hair after looking back on my actions. My Dad was always either working or sleeping, so my Mom dealt with every day matters and disipline, reserving my Dad for any heavy duty punishmentif necessary. Seldom did I see my Dad, except on a weekend when he was able to take off and we were all lucky enough to go camping along the Junitat River. We had a large undeveloped lot below Granville, PA which we camped on using a tent and the back of our old 1960 pick-up. Dad and I built (I helped I guess…or hindered at times)a cap style unit on the bed of the pick-up, covering it with corrigated roofing and installed a window on each side and a small storm door on the back. Mom and Dad slept in there and we slept in the tent or right out on the river bank on a chase lounge in a sleeping bag. It was fun until it rained at night…

Anyway, there are a multitude of adventures in the book which I believe will be popular among folks of all ages. For folks my age, it will take them back to those days and for younger people, it will open a window of how we all lived in the early sixties…without computers, cell phones, game boys, nintendo or the Wii. 

It’s a beautiful day out there with a deep blue sky without a cloud in sight. The temperature is already up to the fourties and the six inches of snow we got yesterday is melting rapidly. Next…will be flooding, followed with MUD. Thinking about all this convinces me that we might as well just smile and roll with the flow, because this summer when we are in the middle of a drought, we can look back and wish we had more of what we have right now.

Okay, so now all we need are a bunch of customers that are fed up with being inside all winter long…and made their break for something different on such a sunny warm day. We’re waiting………

In the mean time, here are a few pictures for ya from this morning….
Melting in the shade out back too....

Thermometer reads 40 degrees already....

The melt will turn to flood water

Vick's finished bike, ready for Athens Art Show....
Perfectly scaled and ready to ride...(if you're little)

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053759 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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