Tuesday, January 14

As The Season Whisks By...We Create And Stay Busy...

So….here we are half way through January and we are not in too bad of shape as far as snow or cold. There was talk of another polar vortex coming our way, but that was a week ago and it never materialized. GREAT…I say! As fast as the months are rolling by, we will be into February in a jiffy and before you know it, we’ll be looking at spring and the budding of Easter flowers again. I still find it amazing when I think about how long ago last Easter seems, yet other occurrences further back seem like yesterday. I can’t believe we built our barn in 2009…let alone the hospice gift shop in 2012! These are some of the “yesterday” things I speak of. It is so funny how time and memory has a way of either blending together or completely contradicting each other.
Rosie our mini donkey says...

Yesterday afternoon as we departed Greenville on route 32…just as we approached the large lake on the left, I spotted a mature bald eagle gliding in circles above the frozen lake. What a beautiful sight to behold with its seven foot wing span and brilliant white head and neck. He was only a hundred feet or so above the highway as we past and you could clearly see him in all his glory. I love seeing them more and more as they multiply in numbers. I fear one day they will become a nuisance by raiding local farms and eating their chickens and ducks. Two years ago there was an article in a local newspaper showing an eagle eating a Pekin deck at the Vince Anna Restaurant in Westerlo. It swooped down on the duck as it foraged along the edge of the pond behind the restaurant, grabbing the duck and devoured it on the spot. When that happens, you are simply out of luck and you hope it will go on about its business and forget where you live. You cannot interfere in any way with an eagle or you will face federal prosecution, a stiff fine and possible jail time for about anything you do pertaining to scaring it away. Why you can even get federal jail time for possessing a feather. They are definitely beautiful and fun to see or watch, but just hope and pray they stay away from your farm if you are a farmer. It can become costly in any circumstance you might find yourself associated with when it comes to an eagle.

We are still gathering tools and materials to begin production on the “turn of the century” spinning wheels we are going to produce here. Each one will be a labor of love, made entirely here from scratch. I will forge the axles and pitman from iron as they did back in the day and everything will be pinned together. I suppose they will be costly to make considering my time alone and since the wood will amount to very little, we will be able sell them at a very reasonable price for such an elaborate custom handmade item that you can both display and use to produce yarn. My time is mine and I will enjoy crafting each and every one of the spinning wheels, so we can sell them at a price that will give me additional income, while giving my customers a real bargain. Now that is what a win – win situation should be…

Keep watching for pictures of the venture as we gather tools and materials and get to work…COMING SOON.
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071782 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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